In my opinion, writing BEP should be investor’s obligation, either by hiring BIM Manager or BIM Consultant, because the quality and consistent BIM model generated during different project phases and organized data generated in it could serve as an excellent base for transforming the BIM model in the digital twin model at the very end of BIM project process. Furthermore, the digital twin model enables big savings in facility maintenance through the cost optimization of facility lifecycle and equipment built into it.
After the introduction, let me continue with considering what way the investor can make considerable savings with BEP making and the control of its implementation in the BIM project process. I am going to present a few ideas and conclusions, which, I am sure, bring considering benefit to the investor:
- The consistency of the BIM discipline models during all phases of the BIM project process allows the investor large savings;
- Well designed and implemented BIM modelling convention brings the investor big savings;
- By optimizing the multidisciplinary coordination of the BIM discipline models, the investor achieves great savings;
- By optimizing BIM elements LOD, the investor achieves big savings;
- By optimizing CDE (Common Data Environment), the investor achieves great savings.
All the above-mentioned recommendations and conclusions can bring significant savings in the BIM project process to the investor and they can be explained in detail.
Also, I think that the above-mentioned conclusions need to be confirmed with some examples from the real BIM project environment, which I am going to do below. So let's go in order…
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(Eng) The Big Savings BEP Brings To The Investor
Moderator: Predrag J